London Fog Cocktail
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Like a Ramos Gin Fizz, But make it Scotch
Think of an Earl Grey latte meets scotch and citrus. This is a really delicious cocktail that you can make in a flash with a cream whipper. Prepare for the fluffiest foam of your dreams!
You’ll need the following equipment:
Blended Scotch (I Like using Monkey Shoulder for this)
Demerara Sugar
Vanilla Paste
Bergamot Extract
Lemon Juice
Orange Juice
ggnog and flips are my favorite drinks during the winter season, but they can tend to be a little bit heavy. Ive already covered traditional eggnog and also a vegan eggnog that’s a little lighter and dairy free. This year, though I wanted to try something a little different. Something that has the richness of a flip, but light and fluffy. It’s inspired by a London fog- which is essentially an earl grey tea latte. For this London fog cocktail, I’ll be using a blended scotch, Earl grey tea syrup, cream, lemon & orange juice, a full egg and soda water.
For special equipment I will be using an isi cream whipper, but you can totally make this without it. My London fog cocktail is modeled after a Ramos gin fizz, which if you are familiar with it, needs to be shaken for a really longtime. 12 minutes to be exact- which I certainly do not have time for. The isi omits the shaking all together and produces the fluffiest foam. If you are making this without the cream whipper, I recommend doing a reverse dry shake to get the most foam.
First thing I’ll have to do is make the Earl Grey syrup. I’ll steep one teaspoon of earl grey tea in 1/2 cup of hot water for 5 minutes. Once its finished steeping, I’ll remove the tea leaves and combine the tea with equal parts sugar and a 1/4 teaspoon of vanilla paste. Once the sugar has dissolved, ill let it cool to room temperature then let it chill in the refrigerator until its cold. I am honestly obsessed with Earl Grey tea, so this syrup is already seeing a ton of use at my house. The vanilla mixed in there is so delicious too.
This cocktail also calls for two types of citrus: lemon and orange. I’m doing equal parts of each. Bergamot- which is the flavor added to Earl Grey tea is a citrus fruit that is a cross between a specific kind of lemon only found in Italy and bitter orange. This blend of citrus helps to boost that flavor in the tea syrup.
One last preparation is to freeze the glass. This will help support the foam and help it to stand tall.
Once the syrup has cooled and the citrus has been juiced, we can build this whole drink in the isi whipper.
First I’ll add, 3/4 oz of the earl grey syrup, 1/2 oz of orange juice, 1/2 oz of lemon juice, 1/2 oz of cream, 1 drop of bergamot extract (to bump up the flavor of the earl grey tea), 2 ounces of blended scotch (I’m using monkey shoulder. I really like the way it compliments the tea and vanilla in the syrup). Lastly I will add a full egg. I originally wanted to only use the egg white- a la the traditional Ramos Gin Fizz, but I accidentally broke the yolk while cracking the egg. I’ve tried both variations, and really liked the one with the full egg better. It gives it a richer texture and makes it feel more festive.
Once all the ingredients have been added, I’ll screw on the lid and charge the whipper with a nitrogen cartridge. I’ll give the cream whipper a few good shakes (6) to incorporate and then let it sit for a minute or two. then I’ll add an ounce of club soda to my frozen glass and pull the trigger on the cream whipper directly into the glass. To help get that epic rise to your foam, you can set the glass back in the freezer for a couple of minutes. This will help to solidify the foam. Once the glass is nice and icy, top it off with some more soda water. As to not disturb the foam, you can place your bar spoon upside down into the drink, touching the bottom of the glass and then carefully pour the soda slowly down the spoon.
This is such a great cold weather alternative to a Ramos gin fizz or morning glory fizz. The scotch, cream and egg lend a creamy custardy flavor and texture to the drink, but the citrus elements and effervescence from the soda cut through to make it feel a bit lighter. The cream itself is also delicious on its own.
2 oz Blended Scotch (I Like using Monkey Shoulder for this)
3/4 oz Earl Grey Tea Syrup
1 drop Bergamot Extract
1 full Egg
1/2 oz Cream
1/2 oz Lemon Juice
1/2 oz Orange Juice
2 oz club soda divided
Freeze Collins glass
Add all ingredients except club soda to a cream whipper (or shaker tin if you want to do it the old fashioned way). Screw on lid to isi and shake to combine. Charge with 1 nitrogen cartridge and shake 5 times.
Add 1 oz of club soda to the frozen Collins glass. Pull the trigger on the cream whipper directly into the glass.
Gently place a bar spoon in the glass until it touches the bottom. Slowly stream club soda down the spoon.