Instant Allspice Dram

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Allspice Dram that’s ready in a flash!

Allspice Dram in a flash! Allspice dram is a tiki essential- and to me also a fall/ winter cocktail essential. While you can just buy a bottle of allspice dram, i like to make my own, but sometimes i just dont have 2 weeks to spare to make the traditional allspice dram recipe. This instant allspice dram recipe will give you incredible results in just 15 minutes!

First thing to do is to toast 1/4 cup of allspice berries for about 5 minutes. Once they’re cooled I’ll add them to a mortar and pestle to crush them. I tried using a spice grinder for an even faster version, but I couldn’t achieve an even grind on the allspice since there was such a variety in size of the allspice berries. Some of the allspice berries got too pulverized while others remained whole.

After crushing the berries, I’ll add them to my isi whipper, along with 1/2 a cup of Wray and Nephew overproof rum. I’ll seal the top and charge the canister with 2 nitrogen cartridges. I’ll shake the canister a few times, then I’ll let this sit while I get to work on the syrup portion.

Cinnamon is an incredibly strong spice that can easily over power the allspice. So instead of infusing it with the rum, I’m going to make a cinnamon syrup instead. Water is a much weaker solvent than alcohol, so the cinnamon wont take over the allspice dram. To my pan I’m going to add equal parts Demerara sugar and water, and 4 cinnamon sticks. I’m going to heat this over low heat until the sugar dissolves. I’ll turn off the heat and cover the pan and let this sit until its cooled to room temperature.

After I’ve made the syrup, I’ll release the gas from the isi canister. Remove the top, and filter out the allspice berries using a rinsed coffee filter.

Once that’s finished filtering, I’ll combine it with the cinnamon syrup, and then just bottle it up. This instant allspice dram tastes absolutely delicious.It’s already so smooth before even bottle aging. It’s certainly less potent then the long infusion, but still absolutely delicious. It’s so smooth you could drink this on its own as a digestif.

I used this instant version of allspice dram in my ham and pineapple cocktail. It really took the cocktail to the next level. The combination of allspice, pineapple and ham is just so fantastic.

Instant Allspice Dram


  • 1/4 cup allspice berries- toasted

  • 4 small cinnamon sticks

  • 2/3 cup Demerara sugar

  • 2/3 cup water

  • 1/2 cup of overproof rum


  1. Crush allspice berries in a mortar and pestle, add to an isi whipper with the rum. Screw on the lid of whipping canister and charge with 2 nitrogen cartridges. Shake a few times and let it rest.

  2. Heat sugar, water and cinnamon in a pan. Dissolve the sugar, and cover the syrup to let the cinnamon infuse until room temperature.

  3. Release the gas from the isi canister. Using a rinsed coffee filter, filter the spiced rum.

  4. Add 1/2 the yield of cinnamon syrup to the spiced rum, then bottle.

***A WORD OF CAUTION*** please watch the Dave Arnold tutorial on rapid infusion and exercise the utmost caution when using these whippers and chargers: ***make sure to only use the ISI branded whipper and chargers and carefully read and adhere to the instructions before using.***



Strawberry Shortcake


Traditional Allspice Dram