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A sweet, boozy and caffeinated cocktail to keep the party going.

The Espresso Martini was All of the rage of 2021 and the bane of most bartenders existence. But this cocktail is popular for a reason. Its silky mouthfeel, delivering a slightly bitter espresso taste coupled with vodka to temper the effects of the caffeine, topped with a delicious foam that beautifully contrasts the dark rich color of the drink and the standard espresso beans … it’s simply stunning to look at. It’s perhaps the darkest in color of all the cocktails. The Espresso Martini has such a richness about it, and depth of flavor. For a more advanced version of an Espresso Martini, check out my Clear Espresso Martini post

You’ll need the following equipment:


  • Vodka

  • Kahlua

  • Espresso

For the classic Espresso Martini. You’re going to want to brew yourself a nice double shot of espresso, starting with about 17 grams of black strap espresso from Irving farms and brewing in my Breville Bambino Plus.

If you’re unable to brew your own espresso you can use cold brew coffee as well.  I would still recommend using an espresso shot if you can. There’s some debate on whether you should use the espresso immediately or let it completely cool off. Ive made it both ways- and I don’t really have a preference. The drink can stand the extra dilution since the espresso martini is quite sweet and has lots of strong flavors. 

Once brewed I let it cool for a little bit while I add the other ingredients to my cocktail in the shaker tin. This espresso martini will be rounded out with Kahlua and vodka I don’t add simple syrup since Kahlua is really sweet, if you’re using something like Mr. Black, you might want to add a little simple syrup. To our shaker tin we’re adding 2 oz of vodka. 1oz of Kahlua. And our double shot of espresso. If you’re not using espresso, you can substitute  1 oz of cold brew concentrate. Add the ice and give it a good shake for 15 to 20 seconds. Then strain into the biggest martini glass you can find. I love how this pours. And even more how it settles. The color contrast is so pleasing to look at and to add to the final look, we’re going to add the standard 3 espresso beans. And there you have it. The classic espresso martini. Easy on the eyes. Easy on the palette. It’s no wonder it’s grown in popularity. 


  • 2 oz Vodka

  • 1 oz Kahlua (or coffee liqueur of choice)

  • 1 double shot of espresso

  • Garnish: 3 espresso beans


  1. Brew espresso shot

  2. add Vodka, Kahlua, and espresso to a shaker tin with ice. shake and double strain into a martini glass. Garnish with 3 espresso beans



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