Cocktail Recipes


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Homemade Bar Essentials Entrepreneuress Homemade Bar Essentials Entrepreneuress

Olive Oil Vodka

It wasn’t until I was developing the watermelon feta milk punch recipe, that it dawned on me to fat wash the spirit! Fat washing is a technique that used to extract ethanol and water-soluble flavor compounds from fat and infuses them into a spirit. The most common way to fat wash is to add liquified fat to a spirit, freeze the mixture, and extract the spirit from the fat.

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If it Were a Cocktail Entrepreneuress If it Were a Cocktail Entrepreneuress

Breakfast in Paris Cocktail

While I can’t just hop on a plane anytime soon, I can recreate that feeling at home with this cocktail that I’m calling Breakfast in Paris. It is a Kir riff that is reminiscent of a French baguette smothered with butter and jam- a classic Parisian breakfast that I enjoy frequently when I am in France. The fat washing of the cognac takes this simple Kir to the next level.

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Homemade Bar Essentials, Alcohol Free Entrepreneuress Homemade Bar Essentials, Alcohol Free Entrepreneuress

Virgin Triple Sec

There are times when I just want a margarita but without the alcohol ...or even the feelings from the alcohol as, let’s face it, seem to intensify as we get older. Something that would be great for a weeknight, during the day on the weekend in between errands, or just to simply enjoy for the taste because Margaritas are just freaking delicious!

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If it Were a Cocktail Entrepreneuress If it Were a Cocktail Entrepreneuress

Caprese-ish Cocktail

I always get my best cocktail ideas when I’m eating. I love a good caprese salad. Oddly enough, it has all the components of what I look for in a cocktail- great acidity, herbal notes, a creamy texture and just a touch of salinity. Instead of simply infusing the ingredients into a spirit or making a syrup, I thought it would be more fun to create a more abstract vision for this drink.

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Homemade Bar Essentials, Alcohol Free Entrepreneuress Homemade Bar Essentials, Alcohol Free Entrepreneuress

Golden Honey

Spring is here, and all the wonderful things that come with it - Picnics in the park, warmer weather, pretty flowers, but there is one thing about spring that is not so wonderful - at least not for me, and that’s pollen. For all you seasonal allergy friends, this infused honey will have you back outdoors in no time!

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If it Were a Cocktail Entrepreneuress If it Were a Cocktail Entrepreneuress

Golden Latte Cocktail

I always want to take healthy ingredients and use them in my cocktails. Allergy season especially has me thinking of this. Once I learned that using local honey helps with seasonal allergies, because it has trace amounts of the pollen in your surroundings, I started incorporating it more into my food and beverages. It definitely helps that it tastes delicious.

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Entrepreneuress Entrepreneuress

Manicured Nail

Boozy, smoky and floral? Delicate florals are not typically commingled with boozy stirred cocktails, but the lavender in this cocktail really breathes new life into the Rusty Nail. The subtle smoke from the earl grey tea add an air of sophistication and the grapefruit oil gives just a hint of bitterness and accentuates the floral character of the Drambuie and lavender liqueur. It makes a wonderfully elegant night cap. One of my favorite scotch cocktails has to be a rusty nail - which has sadly fallen out of fashion.

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If it Were a Cocktail Entrepreneuress If it Were a Cocktail Entrepreneuress

Persian Love Cake

There once was a girl who fell madly in love with a Persian prince - so she baked him a cake filled with love magic to make him fall in love with her. The verdict is out on whether it worked or not, but one thing is for sure - this cake is magical. Made of almond flour and lemon. Scented with rose and cardamom and topped with pistachio, I knew this cake would make an excellent cocktail.

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Feeds a Crowd, If it Were a Cocktail Entrepreneuress Feeds a Crowd, If it Were a Cocktail Entrepreneuress

Vegan Key Lime Pie Milk Punch

I’ve been making milk punch for quite some time now and have never ventured into vegan milk punch ... until recently. I knew that there had to be a way to make a vegan version of clarified milk punch. Coconut milk seemed like the optimal candidate, the most obvious choice, because it’s essentially the same make up: water, fat and protein, just like in cow’s milk.

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